Friday, September 21, 2007

A man in the house :)

Paul came over after work last night for awhile. Sure is nice to have a relaxing evening with a guy around. He unloaded all the bottled water out of my car that I bought a few days ago. Sure nice to have a guy around to do the heavy stuff. He's such a nice guy and very easy to have around. I'm beginning to really like it :)

We're going to a movie tonight, up to visit my grandma this weekend, taking his Harley to Patty's to pick apples and are having Marty & Jane over for dinner Saturday night. I'm anxious to see how well he gets along with them. They're important to me so that should be a big test. I mentioned going to Bismarck to look for a shower curtain and he said it sounded like a good reason for a little road trip. I just need to find someone to watch Stella. It's a little scary how well he's fitting in to and rounding out my life.


Shylah said...

Have good weekend and most importantly have fun getting a rise out of those neighbors!

Kellee said...

Enjoy every moment girlfriend!

My man friend (I have trouble calling a 60 year old a "boyfriend") came over on Wednesday afternoon and played Mr. Fix-It for me...replaced the toilet seat (if that ain't love, lol!), reconnected the dryer vent thingie that constantly drives me nuts by coming undone, replaced batteries in all the smoke detectors...and took me to Home Depot where I bought a new light/ceiling fan for my living room...he'll be over to put it up one day soon! He also told me that he will be happy to do ANYTHING to help me around my apartment...including cleaning, painting, anything at all...I told him I have a list about 3 miles long!

I'm anxious to hear how things go when he meets your friends, be sure to check in!!


Mother Goose said...

Awww, thanks you guys! :)

Kellee, I'm s glad you found someone who appreciates the wonderful person you are. You deserve to be treated like a queen!