Sunday, April 8, 2012

Thank God for little brothers!

I asked Joe's family with 5 adult appetites to Easter dinner a few weeks ago. Unfortunately they had already been invited elsewhere. Ok, so then I plan for Allison's 5, my mom, Jim's nephew Bruce and myself.

I decided to make turkey with cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, and that strawberry pretzel salad. Allison offered to bring coleslaw and a relish tray. Mom decided to make homemade buns and a German chocolate cake. Yum!

Thursday morning, Joe texted me and asked if they were still invited Sunday. Their host family got the flu and cancelled their dinner. I told him of course they were still invited and could he please bring a card table and chairs. He said he'd be happy to and they would also bring the deviled eggs and a ham. Fantastic! So, I added buttered corn to my previous menu and called it good.

I got busy in the kitchen early this morning, frying bacon and getting the cornbread stuffing together. That done, I pulled the turkey out of the frig, unwrapped it and started to wash it only to realize that it was too old. The color was off and I couldn't risk making my company sick by cooking it. Into the trash it went. Now what? We're supposed to eat at 1:30.

Now Joe & Shari always make waaaaay too much food so with bated breath I called Joe at 8:30 this morning to ask what size ham they had. Thankfully they again overbought and got a 9 pounder. SAVED!! Joe called back a few minutes later and said he'd be happy to make a roaster full of his homemade meatballs and brown gravy as well. Niiiice! Now my mashed potatoes will have gravy and we'll have another meat option :)

The moral of this tale is to always invite people who think nothing of bringing furniture and providing the food for your dinner :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tricked Out Pantry!

I had Joe, Shari and their kids over for dinner on Sunday. Joe came early and put FIVE new shelves in my pantry! I love my walk in pantry and I have five new reasons to love it!

I'm now eyeing my guest room closet and wondering who I can invite for dinner that would be willing to trick that out for me. I only need three shelves in there.

Paul did the laundry room shelving, Joe did the pantry, who's up for the guest room closet?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


You make my ass tired. After spending an hour and a half riding the bleachers last night, my poor ass is sore. And seeing as how it was still sore this morning, I had a stadium seat ordered before 6:30AM! Lol!

Both boys are into football and basketball so in the next 10 years I'll probably get a lot of use out of that seat. And I'm sure my ass will thank me!

I'm Back!

I'm in my house finally! There are things I love about it and things I hate about it but Stella and I are settling in very comfortably. I still need a driveway, a lawn and a fence but they'll come. If you're not paying for labor you have to wait for your laborer to have time. Funny how that works!