Thursday, September 13, 2007

Chaos at Grandma's

Allison, Jameson, Gage and my Mom had dinner here last night. Good old Fall type dinner of roast pork, mashed potatoes & gravy, roasted carrots and biscuits. Cherry Turnovers for dessert. Mom went home but Allison and her gang spent the night because their house was being painted. Karter breezed in after a meeting to a dark and quiet household. Apparently he heated up leftovers and hit the sack. Bless his heart, his dishes were rinsed and in the sink this morning :)

We were up and at 'em at 6AM. Yyyyaaawwwwnnn!! :) Jameson wanted breakfast burritoes for breakfast and Gage of course wanted pancakes. God forbid they want the same thing. They ate everything on their plates and the dishes are done. Couldn't sell breakfast to either Allison or Karter however. They're all gone now to work, school and day care.

Stella has a groomer's appointment at 10:00 and the carpet cleaners are coming at 11:00. Stella and I will be spending the night at my Mom's tonight to let the carpet dry. I decided that seeing as how we haven't had any accidents for a couple of weeks and she's asking to go outside, she is officially house trained! She was 4 months old on Tuesday. YAY Stella!!! Time to have the carpet cleaned! :)
I'm predicting a much calmer and quiet evening tonight :)

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