Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hating on Dirty Clothes

You'd think I'd have to haul it down to the river, beat it against the rocks and then haul it back home, dripping wet to hang on a clothesline.
No, I've got a main floor laundry room, with my linen closet in it and my bedroom is just steps away. I should count my blessings.
No, I still hate it! And just so it knows how much I hate it, I'm putting bleach in every load today :)


scissorbill said...

I'll do your laundry if you do mine!

scissorbill said...

And I'm sorry for every time I complained about having to put my stack of clean, folded clothes away. And for every time I threw something in the hamper because I was too lazy to fold it and put it back in my drawer even though it was clean. Boys don't do that do they?

Mother Goose said...

Allison's do.