Friday, September 19, 2008

Why Is It???

Yesterday, after I'd walked Stella and dropped her off at the groomer's, I decided not to get cleaned up and just wallow in my filth all day. And I did. When we went for our evening walk, a big, white SUV honked and pulled to the side of the road. It was my friend Nancy and her husband, Steve. Of course I hadn't seen Steve for about two years. I'm sure he was impressed with how well I've aged. NOT!
Nancy was driving and Steve was in the front passenger seat. She had never seen Stella before and asked if she could pet her because she'd heard what soft fur Havanese have. So, I reached over Steve and handed Stella to Nancy. I'm sure he noticed I smelled like a goat, not to mention that I looked like the wrath of God. How come when I'm all cleaned up with my hair fixed and make-up on, I don't see anyone I know?


scissorbill said...

I wish I knew. I looked awful when picking Alex up from school last Friday and he asked me, right in front of his teacher, "what's that on your nose?" it was a big zit that I'd been covering up with miracle bare minerals all week but since David was sick I had showered and that was it.

Anonymous said...

This is right up there with this - your house is clean and lovely 363 out of 365 days. And on those two days the busiest visitation of surprise guests occurs!