Thursday, September 25, 2008


I have these skewer type things that I use to close up a turkey after I stuff it. I only have 6. It's not like I'm cheap or anything but I look for them in stores every Fall and for the life of me I cannot find them. Today, while stuffing a turkey, I tore a bit of the skin over the breast and didn't have enough skewers to mend it. So, instead of having any of my cornbread stuffing fall out during the roasting process, I came up with this remedy. Who would've thunk an everyday thing like a safety pin would save my stuffing? I think I'm going to look for more giant safety pins and keep them with my turkey skewers. It worked like a charm :)
Oh, and by the way?? Those are thin slices of butter under the breast skin. Helps keep the white meat moist :)

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