Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Laundry Dog???

Last time I washed clothes, every time the dryer quit, Stella would go into the laundry room, sit by the dryer and cry. It didn't matter if she was sleeping, she would look up, cock her head and trot off to the laundry room.

So, who would believe me if I told them my dog alerts me when my clothes are dry? Yeah, that's what I thought too so I passed it off as a fluke.

Well, yesterday, I once again did laundry and Stella again, jumped up and ran into the laundry room, sat by the dryer and cried every freaking time the dryer quit. After five loads of clothes, I started to think it's no fluke.

Today, I washed my sheets. Stella was all sprawled out in the other computer chair, sleeping away when the dryer quit. As if on cue, she woke up, jumped down and once again trotted off to the laundry room to sit by the dryer and cry. Apparently she doesn't like wrinkled clothes because as soon as I empty the dryer, she merrily goes about her own business. Silly dog :)

1 comment:

scissorbill said...

I need a dog like that. And she should bite my ankle until I fold the clothes.