Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The lost is found!

YAY! The dog sitter found the key and remote to my car! :) I'm happy about that but that isn't what bothered me the most about the whole deal. Accidents do happen. And, she's young and is a good kid, she just made a lot of bad choices :(

I'm still pissed about all the bad habits Stella acquired while I was gone. She's doing her business outside again but she still insists on bolting for the basement every time I turn my back. I'm thinking about tethering her again, poor thing. GRRRrrrrr!

To top everything else off, because of something Nancy did, Marilyn isn't coming for the banquet, in which case, I will not be attending either, I think I'm getting the flu AND tomorrow is Jim's birthday :(
Can I just go to bed and wake up next summer??

1 comment:

scissorbill said...

The good news is the notes in your door will probably stop now!