Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Epic Fail

So, I'm at the grocery store wandering around and came across some great looking fresh mozzarella cheese. I wanted to do something else to go with my dinner tonight because it seemed kind of skimpy so I decided I'd make a caprese salad. Always looks easy on TV and everyone seems to like it. I'm at a disadvantage because I don't eat salads... at all.
OK, so I head home with my cheese, tomatoes and fresh basil. I googled caprese salad and every single recipe I found says to start with only the freshest, sun ripened tomatoes and basil... Ahhhh, shit!!
So my lowly cherry tomatoes and hot house basil probably won't win any awards but the cheese tastes great and the cranberry cake is in the oven so we'll still end on a high note.
Hmmmm, maybe if I put the hot butter sauce on the salad, it would be a hit. I swear that sauce would make cardboard taste great and cardboard is probably what my poor tomatoes taste like :(

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