Monday, July 11, 2011

Excited and Scared

Both at the same time. I bought a lot in Burlington today and am going to have a home built on it for Stella and I. I'm nervous about selling my condo. Thankfully I have a pretty savy brother who has agreed to hold my hand during the whole process. I've never done anything like this alone so it's pretty scary!!

I opened my safe today which hasn't been opened since a couple months after Jim died. In it I found 54 mature savings bonds!! Jim used to have one taken out of his check once a month and I had forgotten all about them. I'm taking it as a sign that Jim approves of my decision and I'm going to use the money for window treatments and decorating my new place :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait! I am so excited to have you & my baby sister so close!