Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Poor Baby

On Wednesday when we went to Bismarck, my Mom stayed with Stella. Wednesday night, she woke up puking three different times. Yesterday morning she was pretty lethargic and puked quite a few more times. I assumed it was caused by the chewed up mechanical pencil I found under my bed.
Last night I was looking for her and I found a chewed up bottle of children's Tylenol. The little scamp had gotten up on the bathroom counter where it was and took it under my bed to destroy while my Mom wasn't paying attention. There were quite a few tablets in the bottle and she ate every last one of them. Thankfully she was acting more like herself by then so I didn't have to call the vet.
I guess I'll have to check to make sure everything is out of her reach when my Mom babysits. She's like every little kid I know, she gets into things when Grandma's here that she'd never dream of doing when I'm home. Little brat!
It makes me sick to think that it could've killed her. YIKES!

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