Thursday, January 1, 2009

Tale of the Scale

Standing 5 feet 10 inches and having a very small frame, I like to stay around 128 pounds. Since I quit smoking a year ago, much to my dismay, I have been slowly gaining weight. I've never had that problem before. Maintaining my weight was a much harder deal. However, I also started taking Lyrica for Peripheral Neuropathy and one of it's side effects is weigh gain. Lovely. I tried to discontinue it but my leg hurt so bad, I wanted to gnaw if off. I went back on it and decided that I'd have to learn to accept that I was going to be overweight.
When Allison saw me Monday night, she asked if I'd lost weight. Hmmm, I knew I had been very sick but hadn't thought of the weight aspect. I got on my trusty scale this morning and lo and behold, I'm back down to 127#. Now, I wanted to lose weight and all but I certainly didn't want to get this sick to do it. I'm still reeling and not moving very fast. It seems the older I get, the harder and longer the recovery :(

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