Saturday, December 1, 2007

Nothing Could be Further from the Truth!

So, the girls were here last night. Patty had had drinks with Paul's sister, Kim the night before. Seems Kim told Patty that she was surprised I broke up with Paul. And that she thinks that I loved him so much that I felt I was betraying Jim. She said she thinks by Feb I will be changing my mind about Paul.
UHHHH, NO!!!! The problem was I DIDN'T love Paul and never will.


scissorbill said...

Now that's the funniest thing I've heard all day.

Mother Goose said...

Yes, and even funnier is that Kim said I was just scared because Paul and I were getting so close and I'm not ready for a relationship. Ahhh, I'm just not ready for a relationship with him! She says she's going to call me in Feb, we'll all go out and things will probably be just fine. Ahhh, no! We will NOT all go out in Feb or any other time.