Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oh, Lord!

While visiting my Dad today, he said he'd been thinking about the bible. I'm thinking, good for you, Dad.
He went on to say that Joseph must have been a queer. (Not PC, I know, but he's almost 84 and no one's going to change his way of thinking this late in the ballgame.) At any rate, he said that Mary was a virgin. Yes, Dad, I know. "Well," he said, "just put two and two together. Yep, he must have been a queer."
And because he's deafer than a post, and only listens when he wants to, I didn't bother to explain that, yes, Mary was a virgin when they married but that doesn't mean she stayed a virgin after they married.
I don't know how he comes to some of the conclusions he does, but he keeps me giggling. My Mom? Not so much :)

1 comment:

scissorbill said...

Poor Joseph. He was this close to getting away with being a queer. He stayed in the closet until the Fall of 2008 for Pete's sake.