Tuesday, January 29, 2008


So, I find out that several times when my Mom and Allison stopped over while I was gone, Stella was shut into the laundry room with a food and water dish and a towel, presumably to pee on. Firstly, if she's just going to be in there 4-5 hours like I said, she doesn't need food or water. What that tells me is that you were planning to be gone longer than 4-5 hours. Secondly, DO NOT teach my puppy to pee on a towel after I spent the summer house breaking her! It makes me sick that I have to start all over again and break some bad habits she learned in the 12 days I was gone. She's been bolting for the basement every chance she gets and has peed on the floor a couple of times since I've been back.
I had a housebroken puppy damnit! I spent 24/7 with her for many, many weeks to get her that way. What did you do to her... or better yet, what DIDN'T you do??
To think I actually paid you to do this! Geesh! I think my 6 year old grandson would have done a much better job!

You kind of shot yourself in the foot with this because if it had worked out, I was planning to ask you to do it whenever I went away. Not only do I do trips about three times a year, I also do weekends away every once in awhile. Plus, I have a close friend who was anxiously waiting to hear if you were any good, because she too is in need of a dog sitter quite often. Easy money but of course there's no way I'd ever get you again or recommend you!

1 comment:

Shylah said...

I can't believe this is how your dog sitting went! Seriously, I would have never thought she would have had the balls to destroy the crap she did. I could've watched the dog and not wasted your time and money...