Allan gave me a set of Lego magnets for Christmas. I promptly put them on my frig when I got home. My Mom took the red one when she left the next day and since then everyone who has come over has either commented on them or tried to steal them!! The would be thieves were Jameson and Gage but it surprised me that as covered with stuff as my frig is that everyone has noticed the magnets. I think I could probably sell a few sets for profit around here. Thanks Allan, love the new conversation starters!
Those magnets are very cool. If Lego doesn't sell them, they should!
I think they do sell them, Linda. Or just ask Allan to pick some up for you at the Lego store in his office building :)
Here's the only ones I could fine (at legos store)
Only 5 colors :-(
Talk to Big Al, he can hook you up. Or, I just found them here:
It is the right product - but not available in the US. another frown..
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