Stella wakes me up every morning between 5:45 and 6:00AM. There's absolutely no reason for either of us to be up this early but evidently, she doesn't know that. And it's not because she desperately needs to go outside. She bugs me until I get out of bed and then lays by the stairs and watches me start my morning. She may or may not ring her bells to go outside, she really takes her time on that one. I cook my breakfast and when it's done, if she hasn't gone out yet, I make her go. Then, I sit at the table and leisurely eat breakfast and read the paper. She gets a Dingo and as soon as she's done with it, she goes back to bed and sleeps for at least another hour.
If I try to crawl back in bed with her, she bugs me until I get out. Now, c'mon, I have a king size bed and I only use about a third of it! She weighs 11 pounds so she doesn't need more than 2/3 of a king sized bed. And she's gotten so independent, that if I haven't gone to bed early enough in the evening to suit her, she trots off and goes to bed alone, where I'll find her all snuggled in when go to bed.
I wonder if I cut out the Dingo in the mornings if she'd sleep in later? Or maybe there's really something to the fact that she has Jim's eyes... he was an early riser too. And independent... and loved treats.......makes you go, "hmmmmmm......"
They don't make 'special beverages' for dogs? I went to the grocery store last night and had to get gas on the way home so I treated myself to a People magazine and a special beverage-to be enjoyed after I put away the groceries and finished the supper dishes. Boy did it taste good!
Both dogs expect a morning dingo here. And they bug you until they get one. Currently we're out and mornings have been rough. They're suffering withdrawal.
I can only find them in the seven piece packs around here so I have to order online or stock up on the big packs when I'm traveling. I wonder what the airlines thinks when they open my luggage and find five bags of 21 Dingos??
I have even been known to drive the 110 miles to Bismarck so I can get them. Of course then I get to eat at my favorite place so it's all good! :)
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