Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I got up today, figuring I'd do my laundry. Period. I got cleaned up and started in. I only wash about every ten days so it's a major deal :)

Allison called and put in a request for lunch, so I ran to K-Mart, the credit union, stopped at the China Star and picked up lunch for her and I. When I got to the nursing home with it, I realized I didn't have anything to drink so I stopped at the cafeteria to use the pop machine. I put in two dollars and got two Cokes and seventy-five cents back in change :) SCORE!

I ate lunch with Allison and then went to visit my Dad. He was his normal boring self so I made my way to my Grandma's floor. She was her usual boring self (maybe it's me that's boring) so I left and went to the post office and then the grocery store.

I got home and continued the laundry game and whipped up a batch of chocolate chip cookies while visiting on the phone with Sarah. 85 cookies and several loads of clothes later, we decided we were talked out and ended our call. I got to talk to David during the process and he told me he loves me :) He's also calling me Grandma now instead of Papa :)

I put my last load of clothes in the dryer, cleaned up my mess and packaged some cookies for my Mom. Stella and I delivered them and while at her house, I packaged up 52 homemade buns to take home for my freezer. I love it when my Mom bakes buns :)

I came home and packaged the rest of my cookies for the freezer, hung up the last dryer full of clothes and proceeded to debone some chicken and make chicken salad. I promised Allison I'd bring her chicken salad sandwiches on homemade buns to have for lunch tomorrow. With that and some cookies, she should be all set. It's no wonder the girls she works with think she's spoiled!

And now my aching (or should I say Aiken??) back is sitting in this chair and I don't plan to get up until it's time to go to bed!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am the biggest, most spoiled rotten person I know. Is it any wonder that my mom is my most favorite person on Earth? Human, that is, because Stella ranks pretty high too!!