Thursday, July 24, 2008

Diva Dog

I took Stella to the groomer today. She goes every Thursday so you'd think she'd be fine with it. Plus, Erica loves her. When we pulled into the parking lot, I told her she was going to see Erica. She curled into a ball in her car seat and clearly did not want to go in. Once we were in, she laid her head on my shoulder and refused to look at Erica! Little stinker! I left her anyway.

When I picked her up, I took her to the Humane Society to have her microchipped. She wasn't too sure about the gal who took her from me, but went along with it. She took her into another room to do the deed while I filled out the forms. When she was done, the woman brought her back out to me. Some of the other women who work there were standing around and wanted to see her and pet her. She snuggled right into my neck and wanted nothing to do with any of them. One even offered her a bacon treat and she sniffed at it but turned her head and refused to take it. I am still amazed at that one, she is a treat whore!!

After such a stressful morning, the poor little darling is all curled up and sleeping at my feet. Could I have a more spoiled dog?


scissorbill said...


Anonymous said...

She's not spoiled, she is just loved!

Covered In Crafts said...

:D LOL!! I htink I love thta dog already! She knows who loves her, she doesn't need all those other people. What an awesome pet.